In old countries when someone took a journey it took a very long time. As they traveled through lands by primitive means of travel: horseback, caravan, donkey, or just by foot…thus the voyage itself became a story, as various moments appeared on the path leading into a new narrative twist; inevitably, given a great time span and a slowness of life. This niche of epic travel writing and memoirs seems to have diminished in recent times. I realize today however, coming to Iran, that the journey is still as windy and convoluted as before, of course in different ways.
I could say getting to Iran has taken me 20 some years. That would be saying it’s my destiny and I’m not sure if I believe that. But surely society constructions like ‘motherland’ & ‘nationality’ partly drove me here, along with family propaganda, which fed me the sweets and savories of my beloved heritage, literally. Or maybe I’m only here to distract another year of my life....Either way, it has taken me at least a few years to get here and in these years a lot has happened, as might also happen in a very long journey. I grew up a lot, found my life’s companion, earned a graduate degree, shed many of my preconceptions and probably gained some new ones. That is not what this blog will be about, directly at least--fortunately my memory isn’t so good, and my imagination isn’t so organized, plus it would not be so interesting anyway! So, I try best to document this journey’s continuation from now--on being and becoming an Iranian woman--on my imagination's constructions and de-constructions.
This is not meant to be a consistent or very academic description of things. I'm only sharing my experiences and thoughts about them without claiming to be an expert or judge. Sometimes I will use more words, or less, sometimes photographs, recipes, or maybe a song...
1 comment:
hairy, maybe you could organize a revolution or two? hm?
do you think that your blog is under surveillance? /a trick question/
anyway, keep on exploring those sweets, don't forget your tschador on the streets- so that we can read your intimate contemplations for a long , long time.
aeon says hi.
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