Monday, November 5, 2007

Iran's Kamikaze Dolphins?

A few days ago more dead dolphins washed onto Iran's Gulf shore, a total of 152 have died this way over the past month. The cause of death has not been confirmed, but early on they were labeled as "kamikaze" or "suicide" dolphins. Now I'm not exactly sure where these allegations came from. Is it a phenomena which has happened before, so that when 100 dolphins wash up to shore-it's called mass suicide? Are they Iranian dolphin martyrs, and if so what could their message be? I sort of lean towards this theory because I'm already convinced that Iranian mosquitoes are suicidal.

Now, the blame is being tossed about, from pollution and oil contamination to radio waves and fisherman nets...While environmental agencies are doing their own digging about, Iran's fishery is pinning the rooster's tail on their classic enemy: those bloody Americans again and their
spying dolphins!

Meanwhile with the help of some nosy cyber-friends, we discovered this
article from a few years back about kamikaze dolphins that Russia sold to Iran. Is it just me, or is this article very strange?...And more about 'military dolphins'....OK it's probably just a funny coincidence. But it is a sad, and fishy, story indeed. I wonder if anyone could shed some light...


Anonymous said...

thank god for those nosy cyber friends of yours:)

neenee said...

Maybe nosy wasn't the right word, but in Persian it can also be sort of endearing...Foozool!

OmidVor said...

Ohhhh... those poor dolphins...? what did they have to do with all this?

neenee said...

zerra: you can read the entire reports--click on the blue words in my post, those are links to various sites :)

darya said...

Haha! It is true Iranian mosquitos are suicidal. I really like what is happening with your blog!